Sunday, March 25, 2018

Gone with the trash ,a passing thought by the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam) , Poet Laureate of Zion (#PoetLaureateOfZion) and Stephen Darori, ( #StephenDarori)

Image result for popart Sad goodbyes Bad goodbyes

You were a passing thought
Something interesting
To spend time with
And now you're gone
Move on

Get out of my head
I turn away from you
You mean nothing to me

If you had hurt me
I'd brush away a tear
I have no tears for you
No lingering smile

You were a stray cat
I fed in the night

It left at dawn
Gone with the trash
In the blink of an eye

A dull ache in my chest
An empty place where you were

A whispering sigh
A thought remembered

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