Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Independence by Declaration

Image result for and I will fist you tight between love and anger

with both trembling hands 

I will seek you out 

where once you sought shelter 

in the echoes of my pain 

you will take no comfort there 

when illusions are burned away 

and I will fist you 

tight between love and anger 

and strangle what we have been together 

forever silencing your hateful voice 

struggling even now to be heard 

I will shatter every bridge 

spanning the space 

between then and right now 

leaving you alone in the shadows 

with no way to ever break out 

I will see you paralyzed 

unable to even breathe 

leave you as torn and broken 

as you tried to leave me 

banish you into the ether 

of what you would have me believe 

I'm issuing warning 

as soon as I gather my courage 

tossing the gauntlet 

on this blood-soaked ground 

hereby declaring war 

on my self-doubt

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