Friday, March 2, 2018

A caress upon the shoulder, and a shudder at the touch by the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion

A loose tie was SEXY before 50 Shades...

A caress upon the shoulder, and a shudder at the touch
A rising, mounting tension as two hearts begin to race
Unleashing pent-up passions with the one they love so much
Fingers flow through flowing hair behind a smiling face

Slowly she removes his shirt, and he returns the favor
Hungry tongues indulging in their craving for a taste
Torn between desire to be lingering and savor
And giving in to pounding lust, to finish up in haste

They savor all the suckling, then their hands increase their roaming
His fingers find her eager, ready, knowing what she craves
Gentle, hot caresses start her shuddering and groaning
Sweet release and ecstasy, a chain of ocean waves

The surf is pounding harder as he consummates, with kiss
Her lustful throes of ecstasy, somehow fulfilling more
And as each wave is crashing she cries out in anguished bliss
Her pulsating contractions bring him closer to the door

Drenched in sweat and panting, still she makes one more ascent
And as she peaks, her insides quake--she pulls him through the gate
They thus convulse together ‘til all energy is spent
And then recline embracing as their sensual highs abate

A last caress upon the skin, a smile at the touch
A waning tension fizzles as two hearts, as one, unite
Lingering in nakedness with one they love so much
Then drifting off to slumber after one last kiss goodnight

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