Sunday, March 11, 2018

Granny Days by the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam), Poet Laureate of Zion (#PoetLaureateOfZion)

Image result for Granny stories

Granny told me:
'Back in my day, we used to
walk ten hours to get to school, and
ten hours home again. We went
six days a week and we studied
for six hours straight.'

I was good at sums:
'But that's twenty-six hours each day.'

She knew best:
'That's why we only went
six days a week.'
She shook her head.
'Kids these days.'

I asked Mum:
'Granny said that
back in her day, they used to
walk ten hours to get to school, and
ten hours home again.
She said they went
six days a week and they studied
for six hours straight.'

Mum asked:
'What did you say?'

I felt smart:
'I told her that made twenty-six hours each day.'

Mum smiled:
'And what did she say?'

I smiled back:
'She said that's why they only went
six days a week.'

Mum laughed, and I was suddenly uncertain.
Then she said:
'Kids these days.'

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