Wednesday, March 7, 2018

If she adores each part of himby the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam) ,Poet Lareate Of Zion(#PoetLareateOfZion)

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If she adores each part of him, can he
Be sure that she won't take away the whole
Or any element; for synergy
Requires he's all there; and it's his goal
To ensure every motion's put to use;
He'd make her more content than anyone,
Who he's addressed in passing: they accuse
Him of neglect when he’s barely begun
To set out why he will reject advances
And turns away to focus on the need
To play the gallant role; and take his chances,
Which is a part that will, perhaps, exceed
The hopes of others and give her due cause
To be adored and enjoy his applause.

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