Friday, March 2, 2018

Mamamooshka , You Bad Bad Girl by the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion

Image result for andy warhol pop art graphic Tousled hair, pinafore dress

Tussled hair, pinafore dress 
Screamed authority 
Head mistress, forced men 
To confess their everlasting pity 
For themselves and fainting soule. 
No yes or please from you 
A squeeze, knowing your tease 
Would awaken Lazarus to retreat 
To fields of masturbation, where 
Roses droop in shame, wither. 

Stood at my office orifice 
Cave doors wide open 
Lucky man, Im here to audit you
Lucky? Only if you need another 
Kramer versus Kramer. 
Awkward brush of fingers 
Glances, eye to eye (death-trap) 
Conveying mute messages 
Hidden behind the demeanour 
Of Norman Bates heading for the shower. 

Her fingers soaked my attention as sponge 
Shaking goodbye; low cut blouse flailing. 
Passing my window 
Stilettoes tearing at pavement 
Drawing heavily on cigarette 
Lip gloss smouldering, blistering 
Blowing smoke into Londonium automatons. 
You were moulded by the earring of London bones: 
Wet fish, sushi bars, neighbours unknown, 
If the smug smog doesn’t get you 
Then, by fuck, rhyming slang will kill you.   

And so, oh you can guess the rest 
Pride & Penetration—above my station. 

Little Miss Perpendicular 
Head at 45 as she kissed - 
If sitting on broom handle. 
Then one weekend, her twin 
Sister must have escaped the attic. 
Flange of foreplay pinned me to mattress 
Library in City missing the Karma Sutra 
Playboy mansion blushed to foundation. 

What she never knew, hungover Sunday 
Afternoons were my raison d’etre 
Crackle from hearth backbeat to the 
Contours of space and solitude 
Separated, unified in tomes, 
Pages of chapters, curling in silence 
Made us almost human 
Maybe the unthinkable was unfolding? 

Your night frights, betrayed your calm 
Assured presence in gibberish 
Sign-language, stabbing The Sandman: 
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
At Tate, all decorum & refined serenity 
You spat at instalment, flock of phlegm 
Dripping over broken glass & brick 
Modern Art for the criminally insane. 

Frying pans flying, monolith of tears 
Chronophobia out of tune with two watches 
Strapped to your wrists: if a cuckoo was 
To poke their head from clock. Snapped. 
Something rotten in the state of your heart. 

If you kiss the blade enough 
Cold steel will slip, cutting. 
Stacy, the day you changed rules of 
Engagement and merely fatally fled 
Into accountant’s  (undertaker) groin 
Who owned a thirst for knowledge & 
Leather elbow on tweed jacket. 
All’s fair in love blah blah blah. 

Found lipstick, skeletal pigments 
As lost as the self portrait canvas 
Of the artist dropped dead at his easel. 
War paint of a battle silenced by final bullet. 

What hurt most was not 
Deceit lies contempt madness. 
What hurt most was 
Stealing my CDs & books - 
The measuring vessels of my life - 
Unpeeling little red songbooks 
From charred embers of diary. 

Dead disco - Dante dansette 
Inferno blazing cold inside you. 

You bad bad girl

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