Saturday, March 3, 2018

Israeli Summers By the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion

Image result for Bat Yam sunsets summer

My heart winks you into permanence:   
writing, sketching, reading     
Whatever it is you are doing now   
in dark-gray lead on plain paper;   
no burgundy hues amber in light   
cobalt blue for stark emphasis   
or a thesaurus accompaniment   
to redefine that which simply is:   
A portrait in need of no retouching;   
words perfect in formation   
shaping Universal omens     
sacrosanct souls amid pupils     
Soon the crocuses will come     
as madness skulking the brain   
sweet smoke of morning hashish     
and Spring in her nightdress     
Hair clouding slate pillows of rain   
smelling of furrowed earth and trees

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