Wednesday, March 7, 2018

-It’s done like this- she says as she bends down, by the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYa) , Poet Laureate Of Zion (#PoetLaureateOfZion)

-It’s done like this- she says 
as she bends down, 
folds and finally rests 
on her knees before me and
you snap the silence with 
the catch of your breath.

-Watch, just like this- her tongue 
a blade that splits my slash and
presses flat against my pearl, 
your moans her mouth’s metronome.

The quiet standstill screams
as I thrust my hips forward, her
making no movement save the ceaseless 
force I slowly grind my way through,
my gasps filling our ears like a flood.

Our hands plow deep furrows now 
through her head while your steady
slap-stroking readies the seed
we will plant there.

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