Friday, March 2, 2018

In my anticipation, I’m musing by the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureaute of Zion


In my anticipation, I’m musing
Of when my fear is strong enough to taste,
And my frustration... You like refusing?
When I shudder, when I plead,
Do you relish every time I beg for haste?
My voice like butter--do you feel greed?
Do you get pleasured highs from power surges?
As I, when you exploit my mounting urges?

And my emancipation--when will it come?
And will we cross the line so far I’ll want
My liberation? Would you be numb?
My frame in throes, my dried mouth pants,
Do you relish every shudder when you taunt? 
How much excitement goes with this romance?
May we behold each other for a time
When your enjoyment far eclipses mine!

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