Saturday, March 31, 2018

April Fool , memories of the Bat Of Bat Yam (#BatOfBatYam) , Poet Laureate Of Zion(#POetLaureateOfZion) and Stephen Darori (#stephendrus, #stephedarori)

Image result for April Fool

Erin put a whoopie cushion
on the teacher’s chair.
Cassandra told the teacher
that a bug was in her hair.

Alexandra brought an apple
with a purple gummy worm
and gave it to the teacher
just to see if she would squirm.

Joseph left a piece of plastic
dog doo on the floor,
and David put some plastic vomit
in the teacher’s drawer.

Zoeyput a goldfish
in the teacher’s drinking glass.
These April Fool’s Day pranks
are ones that you could use in class.

Before you go and try them, though,
there’s something I should mention:
The teacher wasn’t fooling
when she put us in detention.

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