Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mamamooshka ,Caress me in cinquième and teach me the gentle notes of your adagio kiss by the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam) , Poet Laureate of Zion (#PoetLaureateOfZion)

Danseur noble, awaken   
this music box ballerina   
in a figurante's tour lent...   
... light a fire in   
my enamel eyes   
and breathe life into   
my lithe frame   
so i might leave   
my matchbox stage   
to learn the choreography   
of your desires   
Caress me in cinquième   
and teach me   
the gentle notes of   
your adagio kiss   
until my hands roam   
in allegro restlessness   
when edged by   
the sweet friction   
of your balançoire embrace   
With a wind of the key   
am I driven to madness   
the now tedious tune   
fills me with deep despair   
longing to take hold   
of your outstretched hand   
desperately beckoning me   
to free you from your stagnant pose   
and I wanting to experience you   
in all the positions   
From an open window   
a gust of wind slams shut   
your melodious prison   
from behind billowing curtains   
like a phantasmic Giselle   
you leap into my waiting arms   
my pulse races as our skin meets   
pressing my face to your body   
I breathe you in   
while slowly lowering you   
reaching your soft lips   
with no hesitation we kiss   
my eyes wide open   
fearing you may disappear   
And i savour   
the affettuoso touch   
of my saviour,   
stirred to allegretto   
by the rapidly swelling notes...   
... rolling with its ominous tide   
to press, en pointe, into   
your strength and learn   
the lean lines protecting me   
from my anima inferna   
Surrendering to   
the sweet ferocity of   
matched demand, i can   
never be come prima   
knowing your bravura   
and how it moves through   
my softest places   
until i sigh an evoe   
of your praise   
The trepidatious smile   
of one experiencing freedom   
for the first time   
spreads across your luminous face   
pulling you ever closer   
in your ear   
whispering sotto voce assurances   
while my disquieted inner voice speaks   
is my magnetism strong enough   
to keep you?   
have I not merely constructed   
a larger cage?   
To hell with doubt   
we alone occupy the stage   
Eros is our Maître de danse   
our enchaînement by passion driven   
moans of pure ecstasy   
from our lips escape   
as our naked worlds collide   
like a curious child   
I leave none of you untouched   
Take me   
through the sensuality   
of our grand pas   
lead me   
to the coda's   
insurmountable crescendo   
leave me   
breathless, quivering   
more...please turn the key again 
...and again...

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