Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Rain Begins to Fall by the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion, Stephen Darori

Image result for pop art two lovers , forest, rain

As the two of us undress in 
front of smoky, gray skies I 
feel such a warm anticipation 
tingling between my thighs. 
She takes a hold of my hand 
and leads me into the lush, 
green wood, 
then she pulls me so close 
to him just like I knew she would. 
She gazes deeply into 
my eyes as she caresses the side 
of my face so gently.
I can see her love for 
me reflected in her eyes 
so clearly. 
The rain begins to fall 
down in a soft mist. 
She places her lips on 
mine and we start to 
I feel her fingertips trailing 
down my bare skin, 
the sensation lights my fires 
of passion deep within. 
The rain begins to fall down 
more heavily, 
drops slither down our 
bodies more steadily. 
Her  fingers tangle in 
my et hair. 
Oh, is this fantasy 
or is this real? 
She takes me down; 
to the ground. 
As our bodies intermesh 
I feel soft, moist blades 
of grass caress my bare flesh. 
Our lips meet in a 
passionate, luscious kiss, 
in this present moment 
I feel such exhilarating bliss.

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