Sunday, July 15, 2018

Pure Unadulterated Rapture by the Bard of Bat Yam , Poet Laureate of Zion Stephen Darori

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Against my will
I was brought here. 
Kidnapped from my 
my freedom,
my autonomy is no longer
my own,
but now it belongs to another.
To me he has become all things:
To his will I must adhere
for disobedience will result 
in a smack to my rear.
He likes to hold me down,
the strength of his wrists 
keep me good and bound.
One look into my eyes and 
I know what he means,
there isn't any need for so 
much as a sound. 
His kiss leads me to a state
of bliss,
his touch leaves me wanting
all that he gives me is never 
He can be simultaneously
gentle and rough,
sweet and gruff.
He is both yin and yang,
wild and tame.
He takes me to levels where
I feel as though I can fly,
the way he makes me feel I 
could never, ever deny.
What started out as my 
capture has now become my 
pure, unadulterated rapture.

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