Sunday, September 23, 2018

Blacked Attention by the Bard of Bat Yam , Poet Laureate of Zion

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She wears all black, despite the heat
It adds to her exotic mystique.
People watch her walk down the street
Staring from her head down to her feet.

"What the fuck is this?" She thinks toherself,
As they watch her move, looking scared as hell
Their eyes wide asshe passes them by,
Faces of small children, ready to cry.

There's no need to fear her, little ones.
She won't hurt you in any way.
If anyone has to be afraid, it'll be mher child
That sheI'll bear if I decide to stay.

Moms look at her with narrowed eyes,
Old ladies clutch their purses to their sides.
Sudden click of a car door lock, hey guys!
She couldn't give less of a shit about your ride.

Is this the kind of place to raise her  kid in?
Ten good people for every asshole, but goddamn!
What is this place? Why does she  have to face
The same shit each time at  every  door?

Still, she  can't wait to see what else is in store.

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