Saturday, September 22, 2018

Absence of Love

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Like the ebb and flow of tides on the sea,
He rocks in and out of me.
In my mind, I lie on the sandy beach
Staring blankly at the waves, trying in vain to reach...what?

I feel nothing.

I turn my head, hiding my tears of fustration from prying eyes.
she knows something's wrong, sees the pain I can't disguise
But what can she do? She feels as helpless as I.
We grind and thrust to no end, I silently cry.

I am lost.

Go ahead and come, I tell her with my gaze.
Her concern is evident even as her hips raise
Against mine.Her eyes ask: What about you?
The familiar lie: It's all right, do what you have to do.

I feel cheated.

She is free to move, pounding me towards release.
I have no choice but to hang on, waiting for her to cease
And I weep inside for all I miss,
I drown in the sorrow that begins from the first kiss...

I am numb.

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