Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The daffodils fly upon the air , a poem by Stephen Darori (#stephendarori,@stephendarori), The Bard Of Bat Yam (#BarOfBatYam) ,Poet Laureate Of Zion (#PoetLaureateOfZion)

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The daffodils fly upon the air,
And I lay among them there,
Bathing in the sun-drenched air—
Me and the daffodils there.

The daffodils in which I lie
Make me thing of you by my side.
And when I look up to the sky,
I see us there, flying side by side.

I can see your face in the daffodil petals,
In the sweet curve of the daffodil petals.
And your voice flies upon the wind
To tickle, like your hair upon my skin.

I will never forget the daffodil fields,
Nor will I forget the way you made me feel.
When, in the heavens I lay,
Even then, I will not forget our days.

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