Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The breeze, a knife blade, searching for a soft spot, a poem by the Bard of Bat Yam (#BardOfBatYam) , Poet Laureate Of Zion ( #PoetLareateOfZion) Stephen Darori (#stephendarori,@stephendarori)

Image result for rainy, humid, damp and dark,

rainy, humid,
damp and dark,
breathing through wet rags.
a momentary cool breeze
cutting through, 
a serated knife, 


there’s just the wet heat
breathing stillness.

surrounded by people,
feeling separate from it all,
unworthy or too worthy,
no difference as

the Me-Dance whirls,
spinning godless and empty,
tossing life and limb and heart,
I am open to nothing

and then it comes again

that breeze, 
a knife blade,
searching for a soft spot

my lungs expand to fill 
with cool blue love.

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