Thursday, November 9, 2017

There was a lovely lady from Karnei Shomron

Image result for wanton Young Lady Cartoon

There was a lovely lady from Karnei Shomron
Who at 9am  chatted up her future Romeo with amorous wanton 
She was bold as she was beautiful and very willing 
She pondered looking at her computer screen and not the ceiling.
And wondered when they would first,with kisses and cuddles, meet in Tziyon 

Definitions of wanton:
  • noun:  lascivious woman
  • verb: spend wastefully
Example: "Wanton one's money away"
  • verb: engage in amorous play
  • verb: waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
  • verb: become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously
  • adjective: occurring without motivation or provocation
  • adjective: casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
Example: "Wanton behavior"

( You owe me two hugs and three kisses for a new word  xoxoxox ) 

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