Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The No Food Diet by Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion

Image result for The No Food Diet cartoon

The no food diet. 
The diet when you stare at food 
and you think about food 
and your mouth begins to water 

you deprive yourself of the spoils that food brings. 

You think that your reflection in the mirror is more important.
And maybe it is, 
maybe looking better is more important than that chocolate chip cookie. 

But your organs shutting down
and your bones popping out, 
is that worth it? 

No, Nothing is worth that. 
Nothing is worse than being so miserable that you can't bring yourself to eat.

It stops being a restrictive diet and it becomes a war, 
a war with yourself. 
Maybe if you had just eaten that chocolate chip cookie, 
just maybe you wouldn't have this life-long battle.

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