Sunday, July 30, 2017

Jonathan Dean by the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion

Image result for Messi graphic

There was a Spartacus Rebel in his own BathTub called Jonathan Dean,
Watching Barcelona FC wizardry ,he dined on one pea, and one bean;
Joey D. Giuseppe Garibaldi dogmatically remarked, 'More than that,
Would make, like my worried Yiddisha  Dad Stephen, much too fat,'
That cautious Jonty D. Che Guevara - Pancho Villa  wayward son supreme

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Poet Laureate of Zion by #BardofBatYam ; #PoetLaureateofZion #stephendarori #israelbkreview #stephendarori

Image may contain: cat

The Poet Laureate of Zion sat at his desk in his displace African kraal
and watched as his ginger and white striped cat
once more came by to pay a call
upon his laptop computer he sat

The Bard of Bat Yam, studied him and his green eyes
Rikkki De Riiik , his cat, stared straight back at him
he had a very royal princely guise
from the day he wandered in with a 'snugglech me Steve' chagrin

This sweet ball of fluff amused the Zionist Muse no end
for sat upon his desk: he refused to bow or curtsey
was a subject who would to '' I have works to complete '' not bend
a paw raised gentle to his cheek in courtesy

He knew that cats and kings were one
of a very, very special kind
for when all was said and done
that's how they were destined and designed

The Bard and Laureate of Zion watched the cat and smiled again
as he majestically,on urgent state business papers settled down
a cat that ruled with cuteness and cuddliness in his domain
his best friend and the Maharajah of all in Bat Yam town